Written by: James Harman, CEO Snap Talent Int. LinkedIn With Me

I recently worked with an SME based in Sydney within the IT space. They contracted me to find them the best candidate. Initially, they only wanted me to screen the candidates and give them a shortlist. After my team had headhunted, screened & had the candidates produce simple video interviews, my client was happy with the shortlist of five candidates.

My client then expressed nervousness around interviewing, asking me questions such as ‘How do I know if they are the right fit for my business?’. My client had no HR representative to support them through the interviews. That’s where Snap Talent provided an extended end-to-end process. We agreed the best way to decide on the ‘right fit candidate’ during the interview process was to interview the candidates together. I provided my client with a simple template and we had a half an hour review before the interviews commenced.

We kept the interviews structured, which enabled my client to ask specific industry related questions while I kept the interview structured and deep-dived into the candidates motivation and cultural fit for the company.

The end-to-end process took less than 24 hours over a period of 4 weeks in total. My client was kept up to speed during the whole process. I worked with my client to finalise their job offer and managed the candidate’s expectation. The candidate started the week after the interview.

Don’t just see recruiters as a ‘headhunting process’. Ask them what further service they can offer you. Every company has different experiences with recruitment and it can be challenging to keep the interviews & process structured.

Trust the Experts.

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